Google Chrome Users: Allow Links to Open in New-Tab

We use all our links to be opened in new-tab of your browser. As it’s a hassle if its open in the same tab. But recently Google Chrome blocking this function for our site as we use one pop-up ad in our site. So you can either use Mozila Firefox or can enable our site to allow pop-ads for following methods.

By default, Google Chrome blocks pop-ups from automatically showing up on your screen. When a pop-up is blocked, the address bar will be marked Pop-up blocked Pop-up blocked. You can also decide to allow pop-ups.

Block or allow pop-ups from a specific site

Not all pop-ups are ads or spam. Some legitimate websites display web content in pop-up windows.

Allow pop-ups from a site
  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. Go to a page where pop-ups are blocked.
  3. In the address bar, click Pop-up blocked Pop-up blocked.
  4. Click the link for the pop-up you want to see.
  5. To always see pop-ups for the site, select Always allow pop-ups and redirects from [site] and then Done.
Block pop-ups from a site.
